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Mike Wieringo

Como sabrán, el Blog de Mike Wieringo es el mejor que existe en la internet... bueno, en realidad da lo mismo, pero es uno de los que más disfruto.
Si no lo han visto aún, aquí les dejo el Link

Agrégenlo a sus favoritos y revísenlo una vez a la semana.

En su Blog, Wieringo sube sketches (bocetos), que usualmente hace con lapiz azul, lapiz mina y que ocasionalmente entinta con algún marcador... no tengo idea de cánto tiempo le tomará, imagino que no demasiado, pero es grato ver los personajes que va subiendo conforme el estado de ánimo que tenga, hace unos meses atrás tuvo la saga de los Gorilas, y hasta hace un par de semanas estuvo dibujando versiones "HAM", de distintos héroes.
Lamentablemente, me parece que no existe un archivo de las entradas del Blog de Wieringo, al menos yo no lo he podido encontrar así que si ven algo que les guste grábenlo o en unas pocas semanas se habrá perdido.

La última entrada es inusualmente introspectiva, coronada con dos imágenes, un sketch de un personaje que no se parece a ninguno que conozca, pero me recuerda a Valor, y una caricatura que hizo para el sitio de Ryan Sias, Silent Kimbly.

La candidez del tono, impulsó una avalancha de mensajes de apoyo a Mike Wieringo... les dejo algunos, incluido uno de Diego Jourdan :D

Diego jourdan

Hey amigo,
Totally understand what you´re going through...except in my case i simply don't have a style (as you well know i change it according to my clients' requests).
I'm reaching 30, and every day (used to be every few months) i unwillingly find work by artists 10 years younger, and 10 years more talented, 10 times more talented and versatile than yours truly, so the question lies in whether i get to stand out and beat those young punks in the game or not...and damn if i know the answer!
For what it's worth though, what your style may lack in intensity, it gains in ELEGANCE and sheer good TASTE...and that's something only the years of experience can give you.
And hey, drop me a line someday,ok? I never heard your thoughts on "Ed's Terrestrials" after last year's HEROES CON ^_^
Best always,

Steve Lieber


Your work weds a nine-year old's unbridled enthusiasm with the impeccable craft of an old master. You *rule*. If there's an adventure artist out there doing better work on anything resembling a regular basis, I haven't seen it.


Todd Dezago
- (Dezago es amigo cercano de Wieringo, juntos hicieron Tellos)

there ya go, brutha!

(didja hear the new accent...? : )

remember when i met kate and you told me that she was the kinda girl every guy wanted; a stunningly beautiful girl who doesn't know she's beautiful...?
that's you.
(but, like, y'know, not a chick. and not stunningly beautiful. i mean, you're a good lookin' guy, but...)
anyway, you are this incredibly talented, much-loved artist who doesn't see the wonder and beauty in his own work, doesn't see the joy and, at some times, elation that WE feel when we look at it, who can't experience the thrill that we feel as it unfolds before us because YOU'RE the one who created it!
sadly, this business is a business and we can't always follow our hearts (yet...).
i love every line you draw.

also, i checked and we're both gonna live well beyond 116, so middle-aged won't start for another 20 years or so...

Jeff Parker
Man, I wish I could get you out to our studio in Portland for a week (and Charlie too, of course) so while you work you could listen to almost every artist say the same things you're talking about here. It wouldn't give you any answers, but misery loves company. I do the same thing a lot when I see someone's drawing and think "that looks like fun to draw." And I wonder what these people have stumbled onto that I haven't. But I just drew the upcoming issue 6 of Walk-In for Virgin, where I got to draw weirdness like a bear in Prussian military gear, and I felt like I was reconnecting to that drawing-on-the-floor time in my life where I was drawing to amuse myself.

I think maybe one of the keys is more genres and another is less deadline pressure. Oops, kid crying, gotta go without closure..

Jamal Igle

Are you in my head?

Seriously are you, because I end up having this conversation with myself on a constant basis lately. It's weird and I guess we all go through the same processes of thought. I'm a fan of yours Mike, I have been for a long time. I've seen your work grow and mature over the years and there always especially now seems to be this freedom to it that I feel I lack in my own work. I unfortunately tend the vacilate between two states of thought, That either my work is too realistic or not realistic enough.

What doesn't help is the internet.I read comments on the message boards and while most of them are usually positive I always seem to take the negative ones to heart. And I falter and moan and end up in a funk because one person out of ten thinks I suck. I become fixated on trying to find something to please that person, a way to work faster, to add more detail, to simplfy, to change, to make my work totally cartoony, to use more photo reference.
And then I have an anxiety attack because I can't understand why after 14 years somebody still pays me to draw comic books.

In the end I'm back at square one.

I decide, as always, to stay true to myself and the style that has developed, mostly on it's own. To have faith in the girl that brought me to the party in the first palce as someone once said.

Karl Kerschl
Mike, I love your work because you're one of the few guys in the industry who wears his heart on his sleeve on every page. Like reading a great author, every one of your characters and pages speaks volumes about who you are.
That kind of personal communication is so rare, and I'm more convinced every day that it's the only thing that really means a damn.


Mike Wieringo es un dibujante al que le tengo cariño, pero creo que nunca he comprado mucho material suyo, sí he leido su trabajo con Mark Waid (Flash y Fantastic Four), y planeo comprarme el TPB de Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four, la miniserie que está haciendo junto a Jeff Parker (Agents of Atlas), si al igual que me pasó con Sam Noir, me gsuta después de leerme un par de números (dejando la conclusión para cuando salga el TPB).

La mayoría de quienes cito tienen sus propios Blogs, los cuales pueden visitar buscando los links en la barra de navegación de este Blog.

Fuerza Mike, daría mi brazo derecho por dibujar igual de bien que tu.


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